Friday, July 25, 2008

Welcome to the New Coin Blog!

Dupre Coins & Precious Metals, LLC. is a prestige supplier of Certified Morgan Dollar Sets, Better Date Morgan Dollars and Gold & Silver Bullion. Visit us online at


Rene' de la Tour said...

A brief article explaining the fundamentals why printing money = higher commodities prices.

Rene' de la Tour said...

Protect your wealth while you can. Wealth insurance should be your top consideration today. The fallout from the government bailout, continued nationalization of private entities and a “super-majority” in the Senate and House will result in a massive devaluation of the dollar. Historically this has and will accelerate inflation beyond everyone’s expectations. I have my doubts about the Amero coin and Snoops nailed a false claim to it in 2007. Never the less, do I think we should be prepared to deal with a new lesser valued currency if imposed on us? Yes. The salient issue is simply are we prepared to withstand an almost certain severely devalued dollar?

There have been alarming events over the last two months in the U.S. market and by government actions that have changed American economics forever. Also, we are seeing our constitution and freedom challenged. A number of other situations following the recent bailout raise serious concerns as well. I believe there are two important points for consideration at this time and they may be time sensitive. First, I think we should be cognizant of the uncontrollable events of a severely devalued dollar? Many financial analyses are stating that our dollar will soon be devalued like never before. Second, has the middle class positioned themselves to withstand an unannounced devaluation of this magnitude? The peso was devalued fifty percent overnight and no one had control of their wealth; our government can surly do the same.

Inflation is headed off the chart as a result from the bailout(s) and will hit our homeland soon. Now Pelosi may be proposing a second bailout! With the current national debt and the additional burdens being added almost daily, the value of the dollar will surrender to the relentless printing press. Also, the government is nationalizing banks, mortgage companies and rumor has it oil companies and the car industries are next. The dollar may or may not be replaced but its worth could realistically be ten cents. Conversely, history will no doubt repeat itself and gold will again prevail as wealth insurance. The shift to gold as a hedge has already started. Supplies are thin from coast to coast.

This is an interesting hypothetically to me recently. If gold hits record highs, the U.S. could use gold to pay its debt to China and others. These countries are currently expressing that they do not want any more of our worthless paper. A possible golden opportunity for the U.S. once again. This would be a case of history repeating itself when Britain would not accept our dollar after the ’29 crash. We were forced to pay our debt with $10 and $20 gold pieces.

I’m concerned about middle class America waking up one morning in the foreseeable future and discovering cash (CD’s, 401’s, money market accounts, etc.) all to be worthless, and being rendered helpless to protect their wealth after the fact. I am strongly against knee jerk reactions to market fluctuations but given the unprecedented events that have recently taken place and the fundamental results which are sure to follow, I would be remiss not to say be prepared while there is an opportunity.